
離心泵由(yóu)于結構簡單(dān)、效率高、流量大、無脈動、價格低而廣泛使用, 離心(xīn)泵 約占全部工、農業用泵量的(de)百分之八十以上。共(gòng)同(tóng)的特點:結構(gòu)簡單液流平穩無脈動中小流量領(lǐng)域有相似的效率和(hé)運行(háng)曲線。撓性泵的優勢:離心(xīn)泵隻能用于稀薄、低粘度的液體,無法輸送中、高粘度的流體、半流體。而撓性泵從低到高粘(zhān)度均(jun1)可。離心(xīn)泵(bèng)無法(fǎ)輸送含較大懸(xuán)浮顆(kē)粒的介質。離心泵無法輸送含(hán)氣液、泡沫液。離心泵轉速高,不能低(dī)轉速運行,所以(yǐ)對(duì)介質剪切極(jí)大,不适合輸送(sòng)對剪切(qiē)具有敏感的介質。離(lí)心泵無(wú)自吸能力。如要自吸需加(jiā)附加裝置,如儲液罐、底(dǐ)閥(fá),次啓動需灌液,完成自吸動作的速度慢;應用于衛生領域,儲液罐有可能(néng)成(chéng)爲新(xīn)的污(wū)染源。此外,離心泵的安裝位置受限。後,請注(zhù)意,離心泵不能作爲計量泵使用。一般來講,撓性泵與離心(xīn)泵之間無競争關系。撓性泵作爲離心泵的替代泵種,主要用(yòng)于吸排離心泵無法(fǎ)輸送的介(jiè)質或 離心泵 無(wú)法适應的工況場合(圖\文 xiaojikuaipao.top//news-31.html )。
Centrifugal pump with the advantages of simple structure, high efficiency, large flow, no pulse, low prices and widespread use of centrifugal pump, accounted for about all workers, more than eighty percent of the volume of agricultural pumps. Common features: simple structure smooth flow pulsation free medium and small flow field have similar efficiency and operation curve. Advantages: flexible pump centrifugal pump can only be used to thin, low viscosity of the liquid, to transportation, high viscosity fluid, semi-fluid. The flexible pump from low to high viscosity can be. Centrifugal pump with large transport of suspended particles in the medium. Centrifugal pump to transfer with gas liquid, foam liquid. Centrifugal pump with high speed, low speed operation can not, so the medium shear greatly, not suitable for the transport of shear sensitive media. Centrifugal pump Self-suction capability. If the self-priming need to add additional device, such as a liquid storage tank, valve, first start need irrigation fluid, completion of self-sucking action speed is slow; used in the health field, liquid storage tank has the potential to become the new source of pollution. In addition, centrifugal pump installation position is limited. Finally, note, centrifugal pump can not be used as a metering pump use. Generally speaking, the flexible pump and centrifugal pump without competitive relationship between. Flexible pump centrifugal pump pump as alternative, mainly used for suction centrifugal pump can transport medium or centrifugal pump can not adapt to situations.

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