
管道離心泵的安裝(zhuāng)技術關鍵(jiàn)在于确定離心泵(bèng)安裝高(gāo)度即吸程。這個(gè)高度是指水源水面到 離心泵(bèng) 葉輪中心線的垂直距離,它與允許吸上真空高度不(bú)能混爲一談,水泵(bèng)産品說明書或(huò)銘牌上标示的允許(xǔ)吸上真(zhēn)空高度(dù)是指水泵進水口斷(duàn)面上的真空值,而且是在1标準(zhǔn)大氣壓下、水溫20℃情況(kuàng)下,進(jìn)行試驗(yàn)而測定得的。它并沒有考慮吸水管道配套以後的水流狀況。而水泵(bèng)安裝高度(dù)應該是允許吸上真(zhēn)空高度扣除(chú)了吸水(shuǐ)管道損失揚(yáng)程以(yǐ)後,所剩下的那部分數值,它要克服實際地形吸水(shuǐ)高(gāo)度。水泵安裝高(gāo)度不(bú)能超過計(jì)算值,否則,離心泵(bèng)将會(huì)抽不上(shàng)水來。另外,影響計算值的大小是吸水管道的(de)阻力損失揚(yáng)程,因此,宜采用短的管路布置,并盡量少裝(zhuāng)彎頭等配件,也可考(kǎo)慮适當配大一些口徑的(de)水管,以減管内流速。應當指出,管道離心泵安裝地點的高(gāo)程和水溫不同于(yú)試驗條件時,如當地(dì)海拔300米以上或被抽水的水(shuǐ)溫超過20℃,則計算值(zhí)要進行(háng)修(xiū)正。即不同海拔高程處的大氣壓力和高于(yú)20℃水溫時(shí)的飽和蒸汽壓(yā)力。但是,水溫爲20℃以下時,飽和蒸汽壓(yā)力可忽略不計。從管道安裝技術上,吸(xī)水管道要求有嚴(yán)格的密封性,不能漏氣、漏水(shuǐ),否則将會破壞離心泵進水口處(chù)的真空度,使離心泵出水量減(jiǎn)少,嚴重時甚至抽不上水來。因此,要認真地做好 離心泵 管道的接口工作,保證管道連接的施工質量(圖\文 xiaojikuaipao.top/index.asp )。
Pipeline centrifugal pump / installation technology is the key to determine the suction centrifugal pump installation height. This highly refers to the water surface to the centrifugal pump impeller centerline vertical distance, and it allows suction vacuum height can not be confused, pump product brochures or nameplate marked on the allowable suction vacuum pump inlet section refers to the value of the vacuum on, and was in the 1standard atmospheric pressure, water temperature 20℃test and measurement, the. It does not take into account the suction pipe supporting later flow condition. And the pump mounting height should be allowed to deduct the suction vacuum suction piping loss of lift, the remaining portion of numerical value, it is to overcome the real terrain suction height. Pump mounting height should not exceed the calculated value, otherwise, centrifugal pump will be pumped to not Sheung shui. In addition, affect the calculation value is the size of the suction piping resistance loss of lift, therefore, should adopt the most short circuit arrangement, and minimize the loaded elbow parts, may also be considered appropriate with a larger caliber pipe, to reduce the flow velocity in the tube. It should be noted, the pipeline centrifugal pump installation site of the elevation and water temperature is different from the test conditions, such as local altitude 300 meters of above or by pumping water temperature is over 20 ℃, then the calculation of value must be amended. The different elevation at atmospheric pressure and temperature of above 20 DEG C saturated steam pressure. However, the water temperature is 20℃, the saturation vapor pressure is negligible. From the pipeline installation technique, water pipes required strict sealing, not leakage, water leakage, otherwise it will destroy the centrifugal pump inlet vacuum degree, the centrifugal pump to reduce the amount of water, serious when can't even afford Sheung shui. Therefore, to seriously do a good job of centrifugal pump pipeline interface, ensure the construction quality of pipe connection.

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