
導(dǎo)熱油循環泵是以煤、重油、輕油、可燃(rán)氣(qì)體其他(tā)可燃材料爲燃(rán)料,導熱油爲熱載體。利用 循環泵 強制液相循(xún)環,将熱能輸送給用熱設備後(hòu),繼而返回重新加熱的直流(liú)式特種工業(yè)爐,導熱油循環油泵又稱有機熱載體或熱介質油,作爲中間傳熱介質在工業換熱過程(chéng)中的應用已(yǐ)有五十年以上的曆史。導(dǎo)熱油循環泵具有低壓高溫工作特性。随着工業生産的發展和科學技術的進步,導熱油循環泵得到了不斷的發展和應用。導熱油循環(huán)泵的工作壓力雖然比較低,但泵内熱(rè)傳導液溫(wēn)度高(gāo),且大多具有易燃易爆的特性,一旦在(zài)運行中發生洩漏(lòu),将會(huì)引起火災、爆炸等事故,甚至(zhì)造(zào)成人員傷亡和财(cái)産損(sǔn)失。因此,對導(dǎo)熱油 循環(huán)泵 的安全運行和管理,必須高度重視(圖\文 xiaojikuaipao.top/index.asp )。
Heat conduction oil circulation pump in coal, heavy oil, light oil, gas and other combustible materials as fuel, heat conductive oil as heat carrier. Use of circulating pump compulsory liquid circulation, the heat transfer to the use of thermal equipment, then return to heating of the DC special industrial furnace, heat conduction oil circulation pump is also called organic heat carrier or thermal medium oil, as intermediate transfer medium in industrial heat transfer process has been used for more than fifty years of history. Heat conduction oil circulation pump with low pressure high temperature characteristics of. With the development of industry and progress of science and technology, heat conduction oil circulation pump has been constant development and application. Heat conduction oil circulation pump working pressure is relatively low, but the heat conduction fluid pump high temperature, and have mostly flammable and explosive properties, once in operation of leakage, would cause a fire, explosion accident, even causes the personnel casualty and property loss. Therefore, the heat conduction oil circulation pump safe operation and management, must take seriously highly.

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