市場需(xū)求也在不斷上升,産(chǎn)業發展也到了一個熱火朝天的狀态。相比于傳統的鑄鐵泵,不鏽鋼離(lí)心水泵更是以其 質量和技術深的(de)下遊(yóu)市場親睐。同時(shí)在需求的刺激下國内不鏽鋼離心泵産業在長期(qī)的(de)發展中逐漸具備一定的技術與龐大專業的(de)營銷(xiāo)服務網絡。所以(yǐ)按照目前農業以(yǐ)及(jí)水電業的增(zēng)長比例預測,“12.5”期間國内(nèi)不(bú)鏽鋼離心泵領域的增長将繼續維持在20%以上(shàng),同時(shí)政策的鼓勵也在一定程度上促進了
In recent years, with the domestic agricultural facilities basically sound and rapid development of hydropower cause, making the domestic stainless steel centrifugal pump market demand also is rising ceaselessly, industry development to a be in full swing state. Compared with the traditional cast iron pump, stainless steel centrifugal pump is more with its excellent quality and technology of deep downstream market pro-gaze. At the same time in the stimulation of demand of domestic stainless steel centrifugal pump industry in long-term development gradually have a certain technology and large professional marketing services network. So in accordance with current agriculture and hydropower industry growth rate prediction,"12.5" during the domestic stainless steel centrifugal pump field growth will continue to maintain in 20% above, at the same time national policy encourage also to a certain extent, promoted the stainless steel centrifugal pump industry development.