
檢查刀削面機離心泵管路和結合處有沒(méi)有松動現象出現(xiàn)。用手轉動 離心泵(bèng) ,看看離心泵是不是靈活。向軸承體内加入軸(zhóu)承潤滑(huá)機油,觀察油位是不是在油标的中心(xīn)線處,潤滑油需要及時更換或補充。擰下離心泵泵(bèng)體的引水螺塞,灌(guàn)注引水。把出(chū)水管(guǎn)路的閘閥和出口壓力表及進口真空表(biǎo)關好。點動電機,看看電機轉向是(shì)不是正确的。開動電機(jī),當離心泵(bèng)正常運轉後,再把出口壓力表和進(jìn)口真空泵打開看(kàn)其顯示出适當壓(yā)力後,逐漸(jiàn)打開閘閥,同時檢查電機負荷(hé)情況(kuàng)。盡量控(kòng)制離心泵的流量和揚程(chéng)在标牌上(shàng)注明的範圍内,可以确保離心泵(bèng)在高效率點運轉,才能獲得大的節能效(xiào)果。如發現(xiàn) 離心泵 有異常聲音(yīn)要立即停車檢查原(yuán)因(yīn)(圖\文 xiaojikuaipao.top/ )。
Check the sliced noodles machine centrifugal pump and union department has no loose phenomenon. Hand rotating centrifugal pump centrifugal pump flexible have a look, is it right?. The bearing is added in the bearing lubricating oil, observe the level is it right? Standard in the oil of the center line, the need for timely replacement of lubricating oil. Unscrew the centrifugal pump body water plug, pouring water. The outlet pipeline valve and outlet pressure gauge and vacuum gauge shut. Move the motor, the motor is it right? Have a look to the right. The motor is started, when the centrifugal pump in normal operation, the outlet pressure gauge and vacuum pump to open the show proper pressure, gradually open the gate, at the same time to check the electrical load. Try to control the centrifugal pump flow and head in signs marked on the range, can ensure that the centrifugal pump at maximum efficiency point operation, in order to achieve maximum energy saving effect. Such as the discovery of centrifugal pump to stop and check the reason for abnormal sound.

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