
防爆電機(jī)啓動困難,加負(fù)載後不能升至額定轉速的原因和解決辦法如下: 防爆電機(jī) 電源電壓低:電源電壓太低時(shí),與供電部(bù)門聯系解決,若(ruò)線路壓降大,可改用粗電纜。籠型轉(zhuǎn)子開焊或斷條:用開(kāi)口變(biàn)壓器(qì)或其他儀器檢查。對(duì)銅條(tiáo)轉子可以補焊,鑄鋁轉子則宜重鑄(zhù)。繞線轉子一相斷路:用校驗燈(dēng)、萬用表找出斷路處後修複。繞線轉子(zǐ)電刷或啓動變阻器接觸不良:檢修電(diàn)刷與啓動變阻器(qì)的接觸部位。定子繞組匝數多和定子繞組節距不合适:調整定子繞組。定、轉子繞組有局(jú)部線圈(quān)接錯或接反:按設(shè)計資料複查,重新接線。 防爆電(diàn)機 繞(rào)線轉子電(diàn)刷與(yǔ)集(jí)電環接觸不良:調整刷壓,按集電環外圓弧(hú)度(dù)磨電刷接觸表面,以增加接觸面積(圖\文 xiaojikuaipao.top/ )。
Explosion proof motor start difficulties, adding loads cannot be rated speed to cause and solution is as follows: explosion-proof motor with low power supply voltage: power when the voltage is too low, and the power supply departments to solve, if the line voltage drop is big, can use thick cable. Cage type rotor welding or breaking: opening of transformer or other instrument check. For copper strip rotor can be welding, cast aluminum rotor are advised to recast. Wound rotor phase breaker: check lamp, multimeter identify circuit after repair. Wound rotor brush or starting rheostat bad contact: maintenance of the brush and the contact position of starting rheostat. Stator winding, and the stator winding pitch: not suitable adjustment of stator winding. A local coil, rotor winding fault or reverse : according to design data review, new wiring. Explosion proof motor winding rotor collector ring brush and bad contact: adjust the brush pressure, according to the collector ring circular arc grinding brush contact surface, so as to increase the contact area.

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