
離心泵在啓動前(qián),首先要充滿水,以排出(chū)泵殼(ké)内的空(kōng)氣。由 離(lí)心泵 的工(gōng)作原理可知,葉輪旋轉時,水受離心力作用而被甩(shuǎi)向葉輪外緣,葉輪中(zhōng)心處形成真空,水被吸入(rù),形成水泵的連續工作過程(chéng)。如果啓(qǐ)動時泵體内不是充滿水,而是充滿空(kōng)氣(qì),由于空氣(qì)密度遠遠小于水的密度,在葉(yè)輪以(yǐ)同樣的速度旋轉時,空氣産生的離心力将遠小(xiǎo)于水的離心力。這樣會集聚在葉輪中心,使葉輪(lún)中心不能形成足夠的(de)真空,妨礙水(shuǐ)的吸(xī)入,影響水(shuǐ)泵連續工作過程的形成。因此, 離心泵 在啓動前,必須首先充滿水,排淨泵體内的空氣(qì),才能維持水泵的正常工(gōng)作(圖\文 xiaojikuaipao.top/ )。
Centrifugal pump before starting, must first be filled with water, to remove the pump casing of air. By the principle of centrifugal pump impeller rotates, the water that, by centrifugal force and is thrown to the outer edge of the impeller, the impeller center of vacuum, the water is sucked into the pump, forming a continuous working process. If you start the pump body is filled with water, but is filled with air, the air density is much less than the density of the water, the impeller to rotate at the same speed, air to generate centrifugal force is far less than that of water by centrifugal force. It will gather in the center of the impeller, the impeller center of the vacuum can not form enough, the way of water suction pump, continuous working process of formation. Therefore, the centrifugal pump before starting, must first be filled with water, drain the air inside the pump body pump, to maintain the normal work.

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