
離(lí)心泵是 磁力泵 的主(zhǔ)導産品,磁傳動回(huí)轉位移(yí)泵雖有25年的曆史,僅近七八年在設計制造水平以及大扭矩能力方面才有廣泛的基礎。重點是磁力傳動齒輪泵與螺杆泵,大傳動能力達400Nm,轉速3500r/min時功率爲150kW。近年來永(yǒng)磁傳動技術已從泵類向其它密封機械擴展,技術上集中于提(tí)高設備的可靠性、抗介質腐蝕(shí)新材料的研究,流體技術及制造裝(zhuāng)配的精度。磁力泵代表着一個制(zhì)造技術的水平,近年來工業發達的磁力泵在效率、壽(shòu)命、制造周期、成本、可靠性等方面有了突破性的進展。爲滿足國内外市場需要,石油化工公(gōng)司成套設備向大型化(huà)發展,我(wǒ)國必須有一批年産千萬噸級的煉油廠(chǎng)、百萬噸級的乙烯裝置。機械(xiè)裝備要(yào)滿足重負荷、長(zhǎng)周期、低能耗,并符合環保要求。我國在仿制國外産(chǎn)品中發現,制造 磁(cí)力泵 的材質和工藝要求是(shì)很高的(圖\文 xiaojikuaipao.top/ )。
Centrifugal pump is the dominant product of magnetic pump, magnetic drive rotary displacement pump has a history of 25 years, only nearly seven or eight years in the design and manufacture level and large torque capacity is a broad base. Focus on magnetic transmission gear pumps and screw pumps, the maximum transmission capacity of 400Nm 3500r/min power 150kW, speed. In recent years, magnetic drive pumps have been from to other seals mechanical expansion, technology is focused on improving the reliability of equipment, resistance to corrosion and new materials research, fluid technology and manufacturing assembly accuracy. Magnetic pump represents a national manufacturing technology level, in recent years developed industrial countries in the efficiency of magnetic pump, life, the manufacturing cycle, cost, reliability and other aspects of a breakthrough. In order to meet the needs of domestic and foreign markets, Petrochemical Corporation of complete sets of equipment to large-scale development, our country must have a number of annual production capacity of tens of millions of tons of oil refineries, megaton ethylene device. Machinery and equipment to meet the heavy load, long period, low energy consumption, and comply with environmental requirements. China in imitation of foreign products found in the production of magnetic pump, material and technical requirements is very high.

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