

不鏽鋼磁力泵(bèng)使用中環境應小于40℃、電(diàn)機溫升不得(dé)超過75℃。當 不鏽鋼(gāng)磁力泵 抽吸液面高于泵軸心線時,起動前打開吸入管(guǎn)道閥門即可,若抽吸液面低于泵軸心線時,管道需配底閥。對于輸送液(yè)爲易(yì)沉澱結晶的介質,使(shǐ)用後應及時清洗,排(pái)淨泵内積液。不鏽鋼磁力(lì)泵被輸送的介(jiè)質(zhì)及其溫(wēn)度應在泵(bèng)材允許範圍内。工(gōng)程塑料泵的使用溫度(dù)<60℃,金屬泵的使(shǐ)用溫度(dù)小于100℃,輸送吸(xī)入壓力不大于0.2MPa,大工作壓力1.6MPa、密度(dù)不大于1600kg/m3,粒度不大(dà)于30×10-6m2/S的不含硬顆料(liào)和纖維的液體。不鏽(xiù)鋼磁(cí)力泵運行(háng)500小時後,應拆軸承和端面動環的磨損情況若(ruò)軸承和軸套的間隙大于0.5~1mm,葉輪軸向竄動1.5~2mm時,應更換軸承和軸向動環。因 不鏽鋼(gāng)磁力泵 軸承(chéng)的冷卻(què)和潤滑是靠被(bèi)輸送的(de)介質,所以禁止空運(yùn)轉,同時避免在(zài)工作中途停電後再啓動時所造成載時空載運轉(圖\文 xiaojikuaipao.top/index.asp )。
Stainless steel magnetic pump in use environment should be less than 40℃, the temperature rise of the motor should not exceed 75℃. When the stainless steel magnetic pump suction the liquid level above the pump axis line, before starting to open the suction pipe valve can be, if the aspiration level below the pump axis line, pipe with valve. For conveying liquid for easy precipitation crystallization medium, should be cleaned after use, drain the fluid pump. Stainless steel magnetic pump by transmission medium and its temperature should be allowed to build in the pump range. Engineering plastic pump using temperature < 60℃, metal pump use temperature less than 100 ℃, conveying suction pressure is less than 0.2MPa, the maximum working pressure of 1.6MPa, density of not more than1600kg/m3, particle size of no greater than 30× 10-6m2/S excluding hard material and liquid fiber. Stainless steel magnetic pump running after 500 hours, remove the bearing and wear rings fixed end if the bearing and sleeve gap is greater than0.5~1mm, the impeller axial1.5~2mm, replace the bearing and the axially movable ring. Because stainless steel magnetic pump cooling and lubrication of bearings is to be delivered by the media, so the absolute prohibition of air, while avoiding work during power failure and starts caused by load carrying transfer time.