

從近幾年主(zhǔ)要經濟指标統計來看,由于宏觀經濟形勢持(chí)續快速發展(zhǎn), 防爆電機 行(háng)業整體經(jīng)濟形勢不錯,全行業完成(chéng)的工業總産值、産品産量、利潤等都逐年遞增,國内市場需求不斷(duàn)上升,産品銷售明顯增加,同時(shí),出口創彙也逐年攀高,行業内虧損額都(dōu)明顯(xiǎn)減少,但行業内(nèi)企業發展是不平衡的,有的企業經(jīng)濟效益較差。在這裏需要(yào)明确指出的是,防爆電機産品(pǐn)在國内市場供大于求的局面并沒有根本改變,但防爆電機行業的(de)企業仍有增無減,随着防爆電機制造成本的提高,雖(suī)然産品價格有回升(shēng)苗頭,但一些企業(yè)壓低價格(gé)搶奪市場的現(xiàn)象時有發(fā)生,在防爆電機行業生産能力嚴重過剩的情況下,市場競争十分激烈。應當看(kàn)到,防爆電機行業市場容量有限,企業要(yào)想在(zài)激烈的市場競争(zhēng)中生(shēng)存發展,必須進行調查(chá)研究,探索市場需求動态(tài),有針對性地采取措施,走出一條獨(dú)具特色的發展之路,利用自身(shēn)優勢參與市場競争(zhēng),才能(néng)使企業立于不敗之地,随着技術進步,技術(shù)創新的(de)不斷發展,爲 防爆電(diàn)機 行業健康有序(xù)的發展(zhǎn)貢獻力量(圖\文 xiaojikuaipao.top/ )。
In recent years, main economic indicators statistical point of view, because the country is macroscopical economic situation continued rapid development of explosion-proof motor industry, the overall economic situation is good, entire industry finished gross value of industrial output, output, profits have increased year by year, the domestic market demand rises ceaselessly, product sales increased significantly, at the same time, exit is achieved collect also after rising, the industry losses are reduced obviously, but the enterprise inside the industry development is uneven, some enterprises with poor economic benefits. Here we need to point out clearly is, explosion-proof electrical products in the domestic market situation of supply exceeding demand does not have fundamental change, but the explosion-proof motor industry enterprises continues unabated, with explosion-proof motor manufacturing cost to rise, although the price has rise trend, but some enterprises depress price grab market occurred from time to time, in explosion-proof motor industry productivity is serious and superfluous circumstance falls, market competition is very intense. Ought to see, the explosion-proof motor industries limited market capacity, the enterprise wants to be in intense market competition in the survival and development, we must carry out investigation and study, explore the market demand trends, targeted measures, out of a unique development path, using their own advantages to participate in market competition, ability makes the enterprise remain invincible, along with technology progress, technology innovation, explosion-proof motor industry healthy and orderly development contributes force.