
無介(jiè)質(zhì)或輸送介質流量小:使 不(bú)鏽鋼磁力泵 轉子主軸與穩定軸承幹摩,燒碎軸承。不(bú)鏽鋼磁力(lì)泵是由輸送介質給(gěi)滑動軸承提供潤滑和冷卻的,在沒有開入口閥或出口閥的情況下,滑動軸承因無輸送介質潤滑和冷卻而導(dǎo)緻高溫從而損壞。隔離套損(sǔn)壞:不鏽鋼磁力泵的磁力聯軸器是由泵所輸送(sòng)介質冷(lěng)卻的,如果介質中有硬(yìng)質顆粒,很容易造成隔離(lí)套劃傷或(huò)劃穿,有時如果維護方法不當也有(yǒu)可能造成隔離套(tào)的損壞。不鏽鋼磁力泵因氣(qì)蝕而導緻的問題:泵産生(shēng)氣蝕的原因主要有泵入口管阻大、輸送介質氣相較(jiào)多、灌(guàn)泵不充分、泵入口能頭不夠等原因。氣蝕對泵的(de)危害大,發生氣蝕時(shí)泵劇烈振動,平(píng)衡嚴重破壞,将導緻泵軸承、轉子或葉輪損壞。這是 不鏽鋼磁力泵 故障發生的常見原因(圖\文 xiaojikuaipao.top/ )。
No media or transmission medium flow: stainless steel magnetic pump rotor spindle bearing and stability of dry friction, burning up the bearing. Stainless steel magnetic pump is determined by the conveying medium for sliding bearing for lubrication and cooling, in the absence of open entrance valve or outlet valve, sliding bearing for lubrication and cooling conveying medium to high temperature and damage. The isolation sleeve damage of: stainless steel magnetic pump magnetic coupling is pumped by the transmission medium cooling, if in the medium of hard particles, is very easy to cause the isolation sleeve scratch or cut through, sometimes if maintenance methods also have the potential to cause the isolation sleeve damage. Stainless steel magnetic pump due to cavitation which leads to the question: pump cavitation main pump entrance pipe resistance big, medium gas phase more, irrigation pump, pump entrance can not fully head is insufficient wait for a reason. The pump cavitation damage, cavitation occurs when the pump vibration, balance seriously damaged, will cause the pump bearing, rotor or impeller damage. This is a stainless steel magnetic pump failure occurs in the common cause.

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