

防爆電機鐵芯的好與壞,對整台防爆電(diàn)機的質量起着(zhe)至關重要(yào)的作用。鐵(tiě)芯質量(liàng)差(chà), 防爆電機 的cos要降低;因鐵損耗增加,效率也要降低;因空載電流大,負載電流随之增大,溫升也要升高;電磁噪聲要(yào)增(zēng)加;毛(máo)刺大、疊(dié)壓不齊,對絕緣有直接損傷,是繞(rào)組(zǔ)故障的禍根。爲了防止因鐵(tiě)芯質量差(chà),絕緣易受損傷,制造廠不得不采取消極的措施--增加主絕緣厚度,浪費材料,提高了防爆電機成本,散(sàn)熱也差,而轉子(zǐ)鐵芯菱形還(hái)影(yǐng)響動平衡的精度。這個是(shì)防爆電機鐵芯故障(zhàng)的危害。 防爆電(diàn)機 鐵芯的故障,嚴格的講(jiǎng),指的(de)是鐵芯(xīn)制造質量。它由毛刺大、疊壓不齊、裝壓不緊及變形四種類型構成(圖\文 xiaojikuaipao.top/ )。
Explosion proof motor iron core of good and bad, the whole sets of explosion-proof motor quality plays a crucial role in. The core of poor quality, explosion-proof motor COS to reduce; because the iron losses increase, efficiency to decrease; because of the no-load current, load current increases, the temperature rise can be increased; electromagnetic noise will increase; burr, laminated not neat, the insulation has direct damage, is the bane of winding fault. In order to prevent poor quality for core, insulated vulnerable to injury, factory had to take measures to increase negative -- main insulation thickness, material waste, improves the explosion-proof motor cost, heat is poor, and the rotor core diamond also affects the dynamic balance precision. This is the explosion-proof motor iron core fault hazard. Explosion proof motor iron core fault, strictly speaking, refers to the core manufacturing quality. It consists of burr, laminated not neat, loading is not pressed tightly and deformation of four types.