

我國 磁力泵 行業經過20多年的(de)發展,雖然取得了不小(xiǎo)的成(chéng)績但與國外水平(píng)相比,可以說是大而(ér)不強,一盤散沙的行業格局(jú)沒有(yǒu)改變。如果還是這樣的話,将會(huì)影響到下一步的發(fā)展。但是在(zài)發展(zhǎn)的同時,我們還要清醒的認識到,我國磁(cí)力泵(bèng)行業所面臨的幾個問題(tí):一是産業結構矛(máo)盾沒有得到解決,二是産業集中度不高。雖(suī)然我國有一個(gè)龐大的磁力(lì)泵制造群體(tǐ),但是(shì)到(dào)目前爲止,仍然沒有形成幾(jǐ)個可以引領行業發展的大型企業,這是(shì)整個磁力泵行業的悲哀(āi)。三是企業(yè)間的競争還是停(tíng)留在價格方面上,這給市場造成混亂的競争格局。由(yóu)于這些因素,緻使一些關鍵(jiàn)磁力泵(bèng)還不能生産出(chū)來,100萬千瓦超臨界用磁力(lì)泵、百萬千瓦核電用磁力泵、百萬噸乙烯用磁力泵,還有大量的管線輸油磁力泵(bèng)、污水處理磁力泵以及大量的排水 磁力泵 等都要從國外(wài)進口(圖\文 xiaojikuaipao.top/ )。
China's pump industry after 20 years of development, has made no small achievement but compared with foreign advanced level, can saying is big but not strong, lacking spirit of cooperation of industry pattern has not changed. If so, it will affect the next development. But at the same time, we must realise soberly, our country magnetic pump industry faces a few problems: one is industrial structural contradiction did not get settlement, two is the industry concentration is not high. Although China has a huge magnetic pump manufacturing groups, but so far, still did not form a few can lead the development of the industry of large enterprises, which is the whole magnetic pump industry. Three is the competition between the enterprise still stays in terms of price, the market confusion competition pattern. Because of these factors, resulting in a number of key magnetic pump is not produced,1000000kilowatts of supercritical magnetic pump, magnetic pump, one million kilowatts of nuclear power by one million tons of ethylene using magnetic pump, there are a large number of oil pipeline magnetic pump magnetic pump, sewage treatment and many drainage magnetic force pump are imported from abroad.